Shortcut Menu

Right-click the Projects pane to display the available commands and options that you can use in this pane.

Option Description


Click this option to open the selected project file.

New Project File

Click this option to display the New Project wizard, on which you specify a filename, description, and other basic information to create a new project file.


Click this option to delete the selected project file.


Click this option to display the Rename dialog box, which you use to change the name of the selected project file.


Click this option to display the Backup dialog box, which you use to create a backup of the selected project file.


Click this option to display the Purge dialog box, which you use to delete the project file and all of the ancillary files that are associated with it.

Advance Calendar

Click this option to launch the Advance Calendar wizard, which allows you to advance the calendar for the selected project file to the next accounting period.

Rolling Wave

Click this option to launch the Rolling Wave wizard, which allows you to run the rolling wave process for the selected project file.

Calculate Progress

Click this option to launch the Calculate Progress wizard, which allows you to compute the earned value for the selected project file or selected group of projects.

Calculate Forecast

Click this option to launch the Calculate Forecast wizard, which allows you to create the time-phased forecast for the selected project file.

Freeze Forecast

Click this option to launch the Freeze Forecast wizard, which allows you to take a snapshot of the forecast, along with actual costs for the selected project file.


Click this option to launch the Analyze Project wizard.

Top Down Planning

Click this option to launch the the Top Down Planning wizard.


Click this option to launch the Recalc wizard, which allows you to recalculate data for the selected project file.


Click this option to launch the Reclass wizard, which allows you to change, copy, or replace an existing cost class with a different cost class for the selected project file.


Click this option to launch the Replan wizard, which allows you to remove variances from any ongoing projects.


Click this option to launch the Respread wizard, which allows you to respread project costs.


Click this option to launch the Slip wizard, which allows you to move an entire project or selected control accounts within a project to new dates.


  • Mapping — Click this option to display the Apportionment Mapping dialog box, which you use to link source control accounts with target control accounts.

  • Calculation — Click this option to launch the Apportionment Calculation wizard, which allows you to run apportionment calculations to create budget for apportioned resource.


  • Import — Click this option to launch the Assignment Import wizard, which allows you to import time-phased resource assignments from Excel.

  • Export — Click this option to launch the Assignment Export wizard, which allows you to export time-phased resource assignments to Excel for selected control accounts.

Copy View to Excel

Click this option to copy the Project view of the selected project file to Excel.

Validity Check

Click this option to launch the Validity Check wizard, which allows you to validate the project information of the selected project file.

Update Totals

Click this option to launch the Update Totals wizard, which allows you to update and save the total values for Budget, Earned, Actuals, and Forecast values for the selected project file.


Click this option to create a copy of the selected project file to store the copied information on the clipboard.


Click this option to paste the copied information.


Click thi option to display the Find dialog box.


Click this option to display the Project Properties dialog box for the selected project.